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Automobile Industry

  • An automobile trading company specializing in both new and pre-owned vehicles faced challenges related to inventory management, sales processes, and reporting accuracy. Despite the implementation of SAP a few years ago, the company had struggled to fully integrate their evolving business needs into the system. They faced the following issues:

  • Inaccurate Inventory Tracking: The company struggled with managing and tracking their vehicle inventory, which resulted in stock discrepancies.

  • Manual Data Entry: Much of the data input related to vehicle sales, procurement, and aftersales was entered manually, increasing the chances for human error and slowing down the workflow.

  • Inefficient Sales & Procurement Workflow: The process for procuring vehicles from suppliers and managing dealership orders was not streamlined, leading to delays in delivery and poor customer experience.
  • Reporting Issues: Due to manual processes, generating accurate sales, financial, and inventory reports took longer, and the results were unreliable.

What ABNA Did

  • ABNA performed a system study project, identified the issues and improvement areas in the current system, and suggested the solution and feasibility.

  • The client awarded us additional projects to restructure the organization elements and transform some critical business processes.

  • Further automation projects were awarded post the restructuring. We developed workflows to automate the approval process and defined proper controls and validations to limit mistakes during transaction processing.

  • New MIS reports were generated as required by the management.

Value to Client

  • Operational efficiency has increased as they are no longer required to track stocks in excel, resulting in reduced time in getting approvals.
  • Avoidance of reimplementation saved costs and time.

  • Automation of VAT & BANK reconciliation resulted in cost reduction.
  • Automation of many processes reduced the month closing time by almost a week.

  • Enabled management to generate reports timely and accurately.

customer value

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Miyapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500049, India

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Phone: +91 86889 44300

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